Visit to the town historical museum - Jason & Jack

 When we went to the Heimatmuseum, we looked back at the town’s history, what it used to be like, and everything that happened over 1,000 years. From being able to see what a real blacksmith would’ve looked like and all of the tools and the machines they used to be able to learn the methods, people in this town used to farm a long time ago. The tour we went on was very informative, and I’m sure that we learned something new, even about the things that we already knew some information about.

After attending the first two periods, my friends and I participated in a religion class and then went to the Heimatmuseum. The museum was run by two volunteers who used to work at IBM. We were split into two groups to make sure we could hear the guides. The first floor had a blacksmith workshop. He talked about the importance of the blacksmith in early German life and all their responsibilities. We saw all the tools powered by one small electric motor, two lathes, a drill, a grinder, and a metal shaving machine. In that room, there was also a plane engine that had crashed during World War 2. In the other room was a room on early agriculture in the region and how they farmed before the advent of large machines. Upstairs, there was a loom and rope-making. We then went to the other tour guide. He showed us more modern life starting in the late 19th century. We saw different kitchens, record players, religious items, and other similar items important to German life. The tour was capped off by a video of how the local volunteer fire station works.


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