Burg Hohenzollern - by Everett

 We woke up, had some bread, and immediately hit the road toward Burg Hohenzollern Castle. When we got there, we had to climb up a very steep path just to get to the entrance of the castle, and then within the castle, to get to the center, we had to hike even farther up through the large paths/walls, which were entirely made of a yellow/white stone brick. When we got to the castle's center, we went straight into the castle doors, leading us to many of the rooms the king, queen, and servants lived in. Nearly all the rooms had stained and patterned glass windows with nice carpets and many fancy pieces of furniture. As we continued, we exited the castle and headed into the cellar. It was no longer brick because the walls were now stone that was roughly dug through (Like a cave). It had a cell for prisoners and many different rooms with some writing on the wall. We went into the treasure room when we got out of the cellar. Because it was the treasure room, I was not allowed to take pictures, but it had many medals from past Royale members, golden cups, candle holders, necklaces with pearls and gold, gold rings, swords, canes, and the Crown. When we exited, we went to the restaurant they had next to the castle. Jonas and I both got Curry Wurst! It was surprisingly sweet, and the fries were seasoned with something orange and salty. After the castle, we went home and got some ice cream from a vending machine. It was a very cool thing they had. It had many flavors (at least 30) and was all in a small cup with a wooden stick.


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